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  1. MHRA Maintenance and Calibration: COVID-19

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    MHRA publish GxP flexibilities for maintenance and calibration during COVID-19 outbreak

    The MHRA has published guidance in regards to allowing some alternative courses of action for manufacturing or laboratory equipment maintenance and calibration during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

    This includes clear guidance on measures to take:

    • If an engineer is available to attend site
    • If an engineer cannot attend site but is available by either telephone or video call
    • If an engineer is not available to attend site and remote supervision is not possible
    • Off-site calibration/maintenance
    • Substitution of laboratory equipment

    How can Biomap help?

    Biomap engineers remain available to attend sites where calibration is required. We have added additional Health & Safety Risk Assessments for every site visit, which includes considerations of social distancing and PPE to reduce potential exposure to all personnel where possible.

    For clients wishing to avoid engineer visits, we can offer tailored plans to calibrate equipment back at the Biomap facility (where possible) or provide support with Risk Assessments for postponements. Also, we can provide calibrated hardware to cover areas monitored by expiring equipment.

    Contact us for further information – info@biomap.co.uk

    See full MHRA release:  

    Guidance for manufacturers and Good Practice (GxP) laboratories on exceptional flexibilities for maintenance and calibration during the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak – https://bit.ly/2WN1u5v