Hanwell EMS Software
Comprehensive Software Platform
Hanwell EMS software is a leading edge platform that combines and supersedes Synergy and Notion Pro onto a single integrated software solution. It can be used with Hanwell Pro and Hanwell IceSpy hardware to provide a flexible and cost-effective tool for data analysis and immediate alarm notification.
All Hanwell Pro and Hanwell IceSpy transmitters are configured through Hanwell EMS and all data is recorded in the secure EMS database. Full data collection with interactive graphs, tables and plan views enable users to slice historical data in multiple ways for advanced analysis. Users can set alarms and report on breach in thresholds. EMS user access levels can be managed through customisable groups. The management of complex systems incorporating various environments has never been so simple.
Can also be validated for industries with strict regulatory requirements, such as FDA 21 CFR Part 11.
Whatever you need
- Single or multi-user access for small, medium or large monitoring needs.
- Share data with users and allocate permissions to various data groups where required.
- Collect and display data from multiple environmental applications.
- Display quick overview of sites and/or sensor groups specified by individual users.
- Access interactive graphs, tables and plan views for detailed data analysis.
- System validation to organisation requirements with full supporting IQ & OQ protocols.
Whenever it’s needed
- View real-time data 24/7.
- Immediate system, email and SMS alarm notification to user-defined personnel.
- Generate automated reports or access data immediately and easily via the system.
Wherever you are
- Access critical information on your local PC, via the company intranet or network and via the internet.
- View and interact with data and settings from anywhere in the world using commercially available browser based formats.
Do you have any questions regarding Hanwell EMS Software?
Software Features & Benefits
- Browser based technology with SQL database
- Top level pictorial overview of site activity
and alarms on start up - Devices can be added at will with no interruption to logging
- User access management and control via
simple permissions process - Seamlessly supports multiple geographical
locations - Easy navigation to alarms, reporting tools
and administration areas - Easy access to historical data
- Supports all Hanwell Pro & Hanwell IceSpy
current and future hardware - Option to design additional bespoke
More Software Features & Benefits
- Various software installation
configurations available - Allows flexible grouping of sensors to
customise views even across multiple
sites - Variety of alarm features available
including email and SMS notifications,
including mobile app - Full history of recorded data available for
analysis by users at all times - Export data files to CSV formats
- Automated reporting directly to PDF
format at user defined timescales - Interactive graphical and tabular data
- Gives the user maximum control of how,
when and where the data is managed
and presented
More Software Features & Benefits
- Simple to use and manage providing
instant alarm notification to relevant
personnel - Assists with national regulatory compliance
such as MRHA and 21 CFR Part 11 - Frees up staff time and eliminates errors by
removing manual checking processes - Improves speed of preventative action with
immediate email and SMS alarms - Generates a complete environmental
monitoring solution for multiple parameters
in multiple locations - Easily expandable/changeable system as
and when required with minimal disruption - Post purchase support available
- Integration of data from handheld and data
logging devices, creating centralised and
paperless monitoring
Hanwell EMS software for IceSpy and Pro
Temperature Monitoring Solution
Do you have any questions regarding Hanwell EMS Software?
Would you like to know more about our Calibration Service?
Our calibration service allows you to keep track of the performance of your instruments to give you peace of mind that your storage environments are functioning correctly. It can also help you to reduce costs and downtime associated with any issues that might arise. Our service is undertaken quickly and efficiently, on-site, with minimal disruption to your daily operation. All calibrations should be traceable to a national or international measurement laboratories to UKAS, DANAK or NIST standards.
Get in touch for a FREE Consultation!