Air Quality Data Logger kit

HL5406 ClimaBox datalogger
The Climabox Air Quality Data Logger kit is part of the Pro HL5000 Series, the HL5406 combines temperature, humidity and CO2 measurement using onboard sensors. The instrument includes LCD display.
It has been designed to monitor CO2, temperature and humidity in one instrument for a complete air quality monitor solution. The unit was designed specifically to monitor air quality in terms of carbon dioxide in the air which has been directly linked with sick buildings syndrome (SBS).
Additionally the performance of heating and air handling systems can be analysed to improve the efficiency and/or provide diagnostic data for predicting service intervals.
The Pro product technology is established as the most flexible environmental monitoring technology on the market today by allowing users to expand or change systems as and when required.
Get in touch today for your free quotation or to discuss your specific temperature monitoring requirements and application.
- Improve work efficiency of staff with optimised air quality
- Reduce level of sick leave
- Ensure a comfortable environment for visitors
- Avoid effects of sick buildings syndrome with discrete monitoring
- Provide optimum CO2, temperature and humidity environments at all times and potentially make significant energy savings
- High performance technology with accurate connecting probes
- Supporting British Engineering and Manufacturing Industries